Transfer Dissertation Posted to Research Gate

A Multi-Case Study Identifying Potential Factors Related to Two- To Four-Year Transfer Student Retention and Persistence at Private Institutions

Undergoing the dissertation process can be one of the most humbling experiences. It is a true labor of love. It is character-building. It will at times make you question your level of stamina or whether or not you can really finish.

All of these feelings are completely normal — not fun, but absolutely normal.

In publishing my full dissertation and poster presentation to Research Gate (link and abstract found below), it’s my greatest hope you find this resource of value. Whether you’re a transfer student, doctoral candidate or higher ed professional, there’s something for you:

  • Transfer Students: Check out Appendix M (starting on pg. 144) for advice for two- to four-year transfer students by transfer students. Although anonymous, this list was compiled from interview participants, all of whom were community college transfers within one year of graduating with their bachelor’s degree.

  • Doctoral Students: When organizing my table of contents, flow, and appendices, I found referencing as many other similar dissertations as possible was supremely helpful. Use mine as a template, a mere example of a way, not the only way, to structure your document.

  • Higher Ed Professionals: If you work and/or support transfer students at either a community college or 4-year institution, this multi-case study has a wealth of insight. Recommendations highlight why making the case for two- to four-year transfer students at private institutions is valuable, the importance of concentrating on students’ first-year and mental health resources, as well as ways to create a transfer receptive culture vs. a campus with transfer-friendly attributes. Learn more in the below abstract.


A multi-case study, this research was designed to address a dearth of literature focusing on undergraduate transfer students from two- to four-year private institutions. Through a quantitative and qualitative approach, the researcher completed a descriptive data analysis (n = 2,086) and semi-structured student interviews (n = 10). The purpose of this study was to better understand the makeup of students who transfer from community colleges to private (highly selective) institutions as well as what potential factors were related to their retention and persistence at the baccalaureate level. Two private universities, both geographically located near a large community college system (also identified as the largest feeder schools) were selected. Literature supports that if four-year colleges and universities with high graduation rates accept more two-year transfer students, the institutions can reach historically underserved populations. Research also verifies that these students do well, and in some cases, graduate at higher numbers than their peers who transferred from four-year institutions. What is lacking in current literature, however, is a focus on two- to four-year private institutions. Through this multi-case study, using Schlossberg’s Transition Theory as its framework, the researcher found that although the four-year private institutions had many similarities, their two-year transfer populations looked considerably different quantitatively. By way of descriptive data analysis, the researcher analyzed student demographics, retention and persistence, academic performance, and student financial aid and Pell Grant eligibility. Findings from qualitative interviews also provided several main themes such as differences in college culture and environment matter, students’ psychological resources play a role in persistence, scholarships and financial aid are often a necessity to remain enrolled, and strategies for success include a focus on mindset, grit, and gumption. With insight and tools geared toward practitioners in higher education, this study is also a resource for administrators, faculty, and transfer admission offices. Recommendations highlight why making the case for two- to four-year transfer students at private institutions is valuable, the importance of concentrating on students’ first-year and mental health resources, as well as ways to create a transfer receptive culture vs. a campus with transfer-friendly attributes.

Keywords: transfer students, retention, persistence, community colleges, four-year private institutions, two- to four-year transfer, baccalaureate degree attainment, Schlossberg’s Transition Theory