The Best Spotify Playlists for Students

How Do You Best Study, Read or Write?

Are you someone who needs music or do you prefer complete silence? Do you camp out in the “quiet section” of the library or are you best when you’re surrounded by background noise? Regardless of your preferences, Spotify has the best playlists for all -- they even have a whole section of their curated playlists dedicated to “Focus.” 

I know for me, and for many college and graduate students, I need music to be most productive. There are times when I can listen to a playlist with my current favorite hits, but most often I find myself gravitating towards instrumentals or piano tunes for background noise when I need to focus on something important.

The type of playlist that works best for you is totally based on your personal preferences. The important thing to remember is the best way to study, write and/or read is in an environment that will reduce your levels of stress and anxiety. People are most productive when they feel relaxed (and inspired), and the type of music you decide to play, or not play, can affect these feelings.

Our Cap & Co. team compiled playlists that Spotify offers that ranges all genres, moods, and beats, so that you’re bound to find at least one that perfectly fits your needs. 

Spotify’s Best Study Playlists

  1. White Noise -- if you’re someone who can’t listen to any music, but also can’t handle silence, this playlist is for you. 

  2. Peaceful Guitar -- guitar is the perfect acoustic serotonin to get you in the right mood to be productive.

  3. Lo-Fi Beats -- these upbeat songs are meant to put you in an energizing mood to get work done!

  4. Instrumental Study -- these instrumentals represent more upbeat songs than a piano or acoustic cover and are perfect for when you need more energetic tunes without lyrics distracting you. 

  5. Classical Focus -- this classical playlist is a perfectly cultivated list of traditional classical artists like Mozart and Chopin! 

  6. Peaceful Piano -- classic piano tunes to help you focus.

  7. All Nighter -- this techno and upbeat beats playlist is perfect for those late nights where you need a playlist to keep you awake! 

  8. Jazz for Study -- if you like the slow and smooth tunes of Jazz, but don’t want to be distracted by vocals, then this playlist is a must. 

  9. Workday Soul -- if you’re looking to slow down with smooth R&B to soothe your stress and anxiety, look no further. 

  10. Nature Sounds -- if you’re stuck inside but want to hear the noise of nature to help you go the distance, check out this playlist.

Have any other suggestions?

Share in the comments below! Happy Spotify(ing).

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