The Cap & Co. Persistence Pack

What is The Persistence Pack?

While cultivating a collection of merchandise and products that would encourage and empower, the idea of a Persistence Pack quickly became the favorite. This set of six motivational cards can be used all together or individually.

Depending on what you need, place a card in your workspace, in your bag, in your car… anywhere to keep you going. We designed them to be portable and easy to access because you never know when you might need a bit of encouragement to get you through the day.

Let’s Break Each Card Down…


Persistence Is Power

There is no better card to start off the show than Persistence is Power. The Cap & Co. team is a firm believer that persistence is a powerful ingredient to success. When you’re faced with an obstacle, take out this card to remind yourself that getting through it will reveal your strength and abilities to overcome.

Silence the Imposter

Imposter Syndrome, or the feeling of inadequacy in comparison to your peers, is experienced by so many students. It can be easy to get lost in comparison and forget your purpose or potential. Imposter Syndrome is toxic and causes people to forget their worth, so take out this card any time you’re starting to feel the pressures of comparison and remember that this is your journey, and no one else’s. You deserve to be at the table; you would not have been accepted otherwise.

Making Progress

Regardless of how much you have left to go or how much you’ve done, it is important to recognize the progress you have made. Celebrating the little victories is an essential piece of anyone’s academic and/or personal journey. College/Graduate School/Life is NOT easy and sometimes you just need to step back and see how far you’ve come to know that you can make it further. Go step by step.

Keep Believing

It can be hard to believe in yourself, but there was a point in your life when you knew that you could face the journey that you are on. Channel that person — channel the previous version of yourself who fiercely believed in themselves enough to put themselves on this journey and remind yourself that you are capable of completing any challenge. Keep believing. Remember why you started.

All Grit Won’t Quit

Grit is the intersection between passion and perseverance over a long period of time. Take this idea and marry it with “persistence is power”. Add your purpose and passion into the mix and you’ll be sure to remind yourself of why you are doing what you are doing. You didn’t come this far to only come this far.

To The Finish Line

There will be a point in your journey when you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately, this may also be the point where you are the most tired — but you are almost there. Pull out this card when you’re finishing a final assignment or completing your dissertation to remind yourself that you and will get to the finish line.

You Might Be Asking… How Do I Use These?

There is no right or wrong way to use the Persistence Pack — lay out one, a few, or all six next to you while you’re in class or completing a final essay; stick a specific one that resonates with you in your wallet/bag/purse so that you can peek into it on the way to an interview; stick it to the wall behind your office desk to have a consistent and constant encouragement reminder to glance at whenever you need — there are so many ways to use The Persistence Pack. Check out some ideas below…